Alumni Profile

Lisa Bonk, MBA ’11, and Dana Price, MBA ’11

On behalf of the Johnson Club of New York City, Club Co-Presidents Lisa Bonk and Dana Price receive the Henry P. Renard ’54, MBA ’55 Regional Alumni Club of the […]

Kyung-Bae Suh, MBA ’87

Kyung-Bae Suh, MBA ’87, President and CEO OF AmorePacific and recipient of the L. Joseph Thomas Leadership Award, shares his vision: “Transforming the world through beauty” Kyung-Bae Suh, MBA ’87, […]

Ming Wong ’86, MBA ’89

Change for good In China’s remote villages, residents who don’t have access to electricity cook their food by burning wood or yak dung inside poorly ventilated homes. The toxic smoke […]

Salmaan Jaffery, MBA ’01

Better banking in Dubai As a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Dubai, Salmaan Jaffery advises banks on how to operate more effectively. But since moving to the Middle East in 2008, […]

Olga Narvskaia, MBA ’06

Growing Dropbox If a startup is a company designed to grow fast, then Dropbox, the online storage firm, still fits the model. Since Olga Narvskaia joined the San Francisco-based company […]

Victoria Chen, MBA ’10

Breathe Deep Victoria Chen immediately noticed something was different when she landed at Shanghai Pudong International Airport last December. Though it was nearly 11 p.m. and the food court was […]

In Memoriam: Wilbur Parker ’50, MBA ’50

Cornell’s first African-American MBA broke barriers throughout his career The Johnson community was saddened to learn of the passing of Wilbur Parker ’50, MBA ’50, Cornell’s first African-American MBA and […]

Kate Capossela, MBA ’09

Blending Social Change with Business Leadership When she isn’t working as chief strategist at MK Ellison Advisors in San Francisco, Kate Capossela might be volunteering with a program that teaches […]

Jay Walker, ’77

Once a curator of travel deals, Walker now curates ideas When it comes to intellectual property, few countries rival the United States. Yet according to Jay Walker ’77, the U.S. […]

Percy Allen II, MPA ’75

Wilbur Parker Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient When Percy Allen II joined the University Hospital of Brooklyn as CEO in 1989, the state facility was losing money and struggling with employee […]