EMI at Work

Where to find Swiss cheese: how sanctions affected Russian economy

United States and the European Union instituted sanctions against Russia are a small piece of a puzzle of relationships between Russia and the West. It is time for the economic […]

China: A sneak peek at the future

China is taking advantage of the accelerated growth of its economy. Contrary to other emerging markets, China has managed to disburse growth to large pools of its population, increased disposable […]

Andean Peaks and Silicon Valleys: Entrepreneurship in Colombia

Shifting consumer behaviors, supported by advances in infrastructure, have increasingly enabled the Colombian economy through technology. More than ever before, Colombian entrepreneurs today have new opportunities within their reach – and […]

Searching for Unicorns in the Land of the Phoenix: The Lebanese startup ecosystem

The Lebanese capital of Beirut has become home to a growing startup ecosystem. With the right kind of support, it’s only a matter of time until a highly valuable and […]

Review of Mazzucato’s and Penna´s Analysis of Brazilian National Innovation System

Brazilian innovation policies reflect the very notion of innovation itself: they are uncertain, cumulative , and collective. Innovation policy is, thus, risky by nature because results are hard to predict. […]

Tanzania unleashes tax on tourism

Tanzania´s New VAT tax on Tourism could Potentially Slowdown an Otherwise Thriving East African Country by German Peralta On July 2016, President John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania imposed an 18% […]

M-Pesa and Kenya: Why Mobile Money Matters?

Most people probably don’t think of Kenya as an innovation and technology hub, but it became the launching pad for M-Pesa, a transformative mobile phone-based platform for money transfer and […]

Money Matters in Modi’s India

Money matters in Modi’s India are complex. However, Modi has a unique opportunity to leverage startups’ accelerated time-to-market to foster a tech-enabled ecosystem that incentivizes users to adopt formal channels. […]

Insights and perspectives on the evolving Chinese Healthcare Industry

Over the past decade the Chinese government has spent over $500B in infrastructure and healthcare reform, including the establishment of many new hospitals and policies to satisfy the demand that […]

India: Current Events in the Context of a Growing Economy

India is a complex multi-ethnic society and one of the fastest growing populations in the world at a current 1.2 billion citizens. Now under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra […]