News and Events

World Economic Forum: The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Lourdes Casanova moderates panel, Argentina 2017 – Productive Latin America, during the World Economic Forum on Latin America 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Getting warmer: China and Latin America strengthen economic and cultural ties

Scholars convened by Johnson’s Emerging Markets Institute and Cornell’s Latin American Studies Program shared their views on “Sino–Latin American Relations in the Age of Trump.” by Giorgi Tsintsadze ’17 During […]

Mobile Money, Financial Inclusion and Development in Africa

The symposium focused on addressing questions and issues within a multidisciplinary framework that covered the topics related to the trends in financial instruments, areas of tension and broader finance frameworks. […]

Brazil and Latin America Innovating to Overcome the Crisis

The 4th Annual BRASA Conference  seeks to promote discussion on new alternatives to expand Brazil and Latin America initiatives on skills development, based on successful experiences and the role of the new player On March […]

A Journey to the East and Back

Morgan Alexander Jones, MBA ’15, COO of US-China Strong by Giorgi Tsintsadze ’17 In a subtle but powerful way, Morgan Jones was exposed to Chinese culture even before he went […]

Rizwan Quraishi, MBA’16, Wins First Place in Morgan Stanley Campus Photo Competition

Winning image captures early mangrove saplings coming to life, taken on an eco-tour with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) along the Makran Coastal Highway in Pakistan Rizwan Quraishi, […]

Insights on the UAE from an MBA student

Johnson UAE Trek Spring 2016 by Jonathan Jorge Swavely, MBA ’16 To be honest, I did not have very high expectations for this trip to begin with. Of all the […]

Investing in Emerging Markets, with Prof. Andrew Karolyi

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Fourth Annual Emerging Markets Institute Conference: China, Reaching Out to the World

Over 100 Cornell alumni and business professionals in attendance. The Fourth Emerging Markets Institute conference “China, Reaching out to the world: Global investments and partnerships,” held in New York City in mid-October […]

Investment in US will continue

The Emerging Markets Institute at Cornell’s Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management hosted the 4th Annual Emerging Market Conference which was held in New York this week. Read the […]