For Researchers

All Johnson College of Business faculty and graduate students can use lab facilities, services and technology. Other Cornell researchers are welcome to use the lab’s participant pools to expedite recruitment and request to use lab space. The full-time lab manager supports in-lab and online data collection. Resources include:

  • Cornell University pool with 5,000 participants; mostly current students, but also staff and many Cornell alumni.
  • Ithaca community pool with 500 non-student participants.
  • SC Johnson College of Business alumni pool business professionals (in development).
  • Main lab with twenty computer stations, split into two (with eight and twelve computers, respectively) by a sound-proof barrier.
  • A focus-group room (Sage 120C) with conference table, couch, and high-quality audio and video recording camera.
  • Two small breakout rooms (Sage 128 and 130) to which the lab has priority access.
  • iPads and laptops for use in and out of the lab.
  • Trained Research Assistants to run experiments and perform research services like data cleaning, coding and survey creation.
  • Data collection software including Qualtrics, E-Prime, and zTree/zLeaf.
  • Headphones, portable video cameras, tripods, and video editing software.
  • Galvanic skin response sensors and software.
  • Refrigerator and freezer unit.
  • Flexibility to rearrange facilities as needed.

For more information, visit our Lab Facilities page, our Using SONA page, and view our annual report.

We appreciate and accommodate requests for new programs and data collection capabilities–please email email to discuss your research project.


“The BSL has been instrumental to my research on supply chain contracts where Cornell students play the role of managers negotiating terms. By studying negotiations in a controlled environment, we can identify settings and causes that lead to higher profitability. The BSL has been and will continue to be a key factor in my work.”

Andrew Davis, Assistant Professor of Operations, Technology, and Information Management