Sanjeev Bhojraj

Sanjeev Bhojraj

  • Alumni Professor in Asset Management
  • Academic Co-Director of the Parker Center for Investment Research

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Faculty Area

Interdisciplinary Theme

Faculty Expertise

  • Accounting
  • Management
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Asset Management


Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management


Cornell Directory Entry


Sanjeev Bhojraj is the alumni professor in asset management and the faculty co-director of the Parker Center for Investment Research. He has been on the faculty of the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management since 1999 and served as the sole designated manager of the Cayuga Fund from 2005-2014. His research interests are in the areas of behavioral finance, corporate governance, discretionary disclosure of information by firms, and international accounting and valuation. He has taught courses in applied portfolio management, financial analysis, and financial accounting.

Bhojraj is an award-winning instructor and has received several teaching awards from the MBA and Executive MBA classes, most recently the 2023 Apple Award for Teaching Excellence. He was featured as Cornell's highest rated professor in The Wall Street Journal's "Special Report" on executive MBA programs. He also received outstanding faculty recognition in BusinessWeek's "Guide to The Best Business Schools." Bhojraj is certified as a chartered accountant and a cost accountant. He worked in India and Indonesia before earning his doctorate.

Recent Courses

  • NBAT 6050 - Advanced Topics in Accounting
  • NBA 5120 - Applied Portfolio Management
  • NBAE 5060 - Financial Analysis and Investment Management
  • NBA 5060/LAW 6060 - Financial Statement Analysis
  • NBAB 5060 - Financial Statement Analysis
  • NRE 5040 - PhD Seminar in Accounting
  • NBA 5121 - Seminar in Equity Research - Cayuga Fund
  • NBA 5450 - The Search for Alpha

Academic Degrees

  • PhD University of Florida, 1999
  • BCom University of Madras, 1989