EMBA Career Development
As an executive MBA student, you’ll have access to a dedicated EMBA Career Development office at Cornell University. Our team works with EMBA students at all stages and career levels to provide support and meet you where you are. Our services are designed to help you strategically build and advance your career throughout your time in the EMBA program and beyond.
Comprehensive EMBA career development services
Career coaching: Strategic and tactical coaching to help you develop a career plan, fine tune your executive resume, hone your networking skills, ace your interviews, negotiate salaries, and more.
Leadership Coaching: Executive coaching using our proprietary 360 feedback assessment is designed to help you succeed as a business leader.
Programming and Resources
Career Road Map Workbook: Using our exclusive EMBA strategic career management framework, this workbook guides you through steps for success and offers multiple modules with tools to help you achieve your goals.
Career Development Webinars: Offered in real time or for you to watch at your convenience on a wide range of topics including self- assessment, industry exploration, LinkedIn and pitch development, and many more.
Workshops and Presentations: Virtual and live during class weekends/residential sessions, themes cover career transitions, managing up, effective presentations, and personal branding. Presenters include coaches, alumni, and employers.
EMBA Career Development Website and Video Library: Available 24/7 with personalized announcements, materials from workshops and presentations, “how to” documents on creating resumes and preparing for interviews, and more.
Alumni Database and Exclusive EMBA LinkedIn Group: Access CUeLINKS, Cornell’s exclusive university-wide networking platform as well as an EMBA-specific LinkedIn group with 1000+ members.
Industry Engagement
Exclusive EMBA Annual Networking Event: Connects alumni and students for an evening of networking.
Resume Database and Job Postings: Developed opportunities specifically for experienced hire candidates.
Alumni and Employer Panels: Discussions with alumni and recruiters to deep dive into different industries and hiring practices.
EMBA Mentor Program: Provides 1:1 connections with alumni across industries and functions.
Career Forums: EMBA students join full-time MBAs for virtual career fairs with Fortune 500 companies and start-ups.
EMBA Career Development team
The EMBA Career Development team partners with Executive MBAs to ignite potential, strengthen leadership, and facilitate career achievement.

Jennifer Bobrow Burns
Director of Career Development, Executive MBA Programs and Alumni jb776@cornell.edu