EMBA Metro NY Curriculum

Designed for experienced professionals, the Executive MBA Metro NY program curriculum prepares you for the next phase of your career. The coursework is applicable to all industries and functional areas, including new ventures and entrepreneurship.

Throughout the program, individual and team assignments allow for application of course concepts and techniques. You can use your own organization and professional experiences as the context for your work, providing an immediate benefit to your organization.

EMBA Metro NY curriculum highlights:

  • Emphasis on general management
  • Provides a holistic view of how an organization works
  • Requires both individual and collaborative assignments
  • Integrated and sequenced
  • Includes customization with elective courses

Course requirements

The Executive MBA Metro NY program features an integrated and sequenced series of courses that provide both basic business fundamentals and advanced, strategy-driven topics. You’ll complete 60 credits of required courses and electives over the course of 22 months.

Sequenced core courses

Courses are taught in order and build upon one another as you progress through each term. The first year of the program focuses on the typical “business core,” while terms three and four focus on innovation and global business, respectively. Highlights include the Innovation & New Venture Creation project course, complete with a case competition, and the Global Business Study, which includes a one-week international immersion.

Elective courses

You will complete a total of six elective courses during the program, taking three courses during each January residential session. Offerings vary each year based on student preference and important trends in global business. You’ll complete electives alongside students in the EMBA Metro NY cohort ahead of you—or behind you if you’re in the program’s second year—which offers additional opportunities for collaboration and networking with a new group of peers.

Typical course sequence and descriptions

The Executive MBA Metro NY program is 22 months long (four terms) and combines weekend classes and weeks in residence. Each term begins with a residential session on the Cornell campus.

Term 1: July–December

The following six courses are required during the first term of the Metro NY program.

Term 2: January–May

You’ll begin your second term by taking elective courses of your choice during your week in residence. You will also complete four remaining required courses before finishing out your first year in the Metro NY program.

Term 3: July–December, second year

The second year of the program is intended to elevate students’ learning and abilities building upon the first year. The third term is based specifically around themes of innovation and impact. Students take courses that span design thinking, sustainability, and advanced financial frameworks such as Valuation and Investment Banking. The following seven courses are required.

Term 4: January–May, second year

The final term of the program is focused on further developing executive leadership through the breadth of global business. You’ll start the term with your final residential session and three more electives. Then you will complete six remaining courses—one of which gives you the opportunity to travel internationally.