Two-Year MBA BR Startup Suite

Our Startup Suite of Student-Run Entrepreneurship Services

BR Venture Fund

BR Venture Fund is a seed-stage venture capital fund focused on providing funding to early-stage, high-growth businesses with a Cornell connection and consulting with portfolio companies. By providing the means for entrepreneurs to create companies out of ideas, the fund embodies the most interactive and valuable learning experience possible for Johnson students.

BR Consulting

BR Consulting was established to stimulate entrepreneurial activity within the Cornell community through the creation and growth of early stage businesses. We provide individualized services to our clients by matching the talents and skills of our pool of Johnson MBA candidates with the varied and diverse needs of our clients. Our goal is to provide quality real world projects for students and significant, valuable contributions to the start-up ventures.

BR Tech Strategy

BR Tech Strategy is a student-led, for-credit program in which MBA teams consult with Cornell inventors to analyze commercial opportunities for early-stage university-generated technology. The club is a collaboration with Cornell’s Center for Technology Licensing to commercialize more Cornell technology, faster.

BR Microenterprise

BR Microenterprise is a student-run educational experience that spurs microenterprise development by assisting self-employed individuals reach their business goals. BRM partners with the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise to support microbusiness owners. By offering coaching to entrepreneurs, our goal is to contribute to the local community, supporting inclusive wealth creation and economic development.