Customizing Your Leadership Journey

Develop in the Ways That are Most Important to You

At the Johnson School, MBA students are encouraged to grow in the ways that are most important to them. There are many leadership learning opportunities for students to build a wide skillset, focus deeply on a few things, and everything in between. As they go beyond the foundational components of the leadership curriculum, Johnson MBA students can customize their leadership development both in and out of the classroom by choosing activities to stretch them in the ways that they find most meaningful.

Two women stand together smiling at the camera.

Student Organization Leadership

Johnson School MBAs can take on leadership roles in one or more of the school’s 70 plus student organizations, including career and industry clubs, affinity groups, and special interests. These positions enable students to try different leadership styles and strategies, work with peers in a new way, and leave a lasting impact on the school. Club officers can increase their effectiveness by taking advantage of leadership workshops, an application-only executive coaching program, and customized strategy sessions.

View Student Organizations

Students walk around a room looking at papers on the floor.

Leadership Workshops

 Leadership workshops are offered throughout the academic year to enhance and accelerate MBAs’ leadership development. These interactive sessions complement our leadership curriculum and help students learn and practice skills they can use in their leadership efforts. In addition to workshops focused on general leadership skills, we offer a workshop series designed specifically for Johnson School student organization leaders to aid their leadership in this unique environment.

The four person winning team of the 2024 Leadership Crisis Challenge stand together in front of a Cornell branded backdrop.

Leadership Crisis Challenge

During this annual spring-semester case competition, MBA students select their teams and compete against each other in an unfolding crisis situation. Acting as the company’s leadership team, teams present their solutions to a mock board and participate in a press conference to develop the skills necessary for today’s ever-changing business landscape.

Leadership Excursions and Expeditions

Leadership excursions and expeditions allow MBA students to take their leadership skills off campus and test them in situations with real consequences. Excursions are two-to-three-day co-curricular experiences, while expeditions are at least a week long and tied to an academic course. Both opportunities take students out of their comfort zone to practice their leadership and followership in a new environment.

Students in a canoe in water with trees in the background.

Adirondacks Excursion

On this Labor Day weekend excursion, run in partnership with Cornell Outdoor Education,  MBA students spend a weekend canoeing, hiking, and camping together in the Saranac Lakes while taking on various leadership roles.

Students in camo protective gear stand together smiling for the camera.

USMC Quantico Excursion

Participants in this excursion do something most civilians don’t—experience military life and leadership for 24 hours. This spring excursion, run in partnership with the Wharton School and the US Marine Corps, allows MBAs to test their leadership in ambiguous, chaotic, and time-sensitive situations at the United States Marine Corps Base Quantico.

Students stand on a rock formation in Patagonia.

Patagonia Expedition

Johnson School MBAs spend 10 days over winter break navigating the challenging and unpredictable backcountry landscape of Chilean Patagonia. This expedition is led in partnership with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) and gives students the chance to navigate real challenges as a leader.

Students underwater wearing SCUBA gear.

Scuba Expedition

On this spring break expedition, Johnson School MBAs spend a week living and diving together on a boat in the Bahamas. Led in partnership with Cornell Physical Education, participants put their leadership to the test underwater, navigating an environment where skills that may seem simple on land present new challenges.

Hear from Our Students

The best way to understand the impact of these programs is to hear from our participants. Most Johnson School MBAs take advantage of multiple leadership learning opportunities; here are what a few of them highlighted as meaningful.

Headshot of Elizabeth Sun.

"Johnson is an opportunity to challenge your notion of self and of leadership. From the USMC Quantico Excursion, to the Professional Coach for club leaders, to the more casual one-on-one conversations with the Leadership Programs team, I’ve found unending encouragement and support in my personal leadership journey here."

—Elizabeth Sun, MBA '25
Headshot of Conrad Camody.

“I got to practice leadership in a completely different environment – underwater. [It] took me out of my comfort zone but in a positive way [and] showed how important alignment is before starting a task.”

—Conrad Camody MBA ’23
Headshot of Katherine Gerber.

“The Patagonia Leadership Expedition furthered my understanding of my limits and when to push through them and when to give myself a break. Having purposeful roles like leading the group from front or behind helped sharpen the skills I need for strategy work that requires patience and guts.”

—Katherine Gerber MBA ’17

Three people holding papers in front of a Johnson branded wall.

More Opportunities for Leadership Development

For those who want to further enhance their focus on leadership, there are selective, cohort semester-long learning experiences.

Learn about deep-dive leadership opportunities

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Fulfill your leadership potential with the Johnson School Two-Year MBA.